Sunday, December 16, 2012

January 2013

Girl Scout Cookie Program

What Can A Cookie Buy?
The Experience of a Lifetime!
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is much more than a fundraiser, it is the largest girl-led business in the country and generates immeasurable benefits for girls, their local Girl Scout offices and communities nationwide. It is the vehicle that drives the creation of great women. It begins as a way for girls to earn money for their troops by setting personal and group goals, but it becomes the basis for her to realize that SHE CAN make a difference. This hands-on financial literacy program provides girls with a means to enhance their public speaking skills, work in collaborative groups, set goals and map out a plan to achieve them. They also have a chance to connect with their community, build self confidence and most importantly fuel their imaginations - all while having FUN! When all of the key components of the program come together girls become the women of tomorrow - strong and confident, committed and make the world a better place.

Important Reminders
1.      Girls cannot begin selling until January 4th.  Please adhere to all cookie program dates and deadlines.  Each girl must have a signed Parent Permission & Financial Responsibility form turned in before participating in the Cookie Program.
2.      Cookie Order Form (Initial Order) due January 14th-Bring your order form to the troop meeting.  Girls can continue to sell using the Goal Getter Order Card
3.      Please circle “reward” choices on the back of the order form.  This will ensure correct rewards for each level.  If you do not make a choice, troop leaders will choose for you.
4.      **Please add the total for each column on the cookie order form.  This is very important and will ensure correct ordering.
5.     **No checks.  Cash only.  No exceptions.  Please remind your customers.
6.     Refer to 2013 Family Reference Guide for more information on the Cookie Program.

 The cost of Girl Scout Cookies is $3.50 per box.  A case of cookies costs $42.00 (12 boxes of the same cookies).

Are you ready to take your Cookie Program
to the next level?
Put your design skills to the test? Get your cookie message on everything you possibly can? Then you’ve come to the right place! Be sure to visit Little Brownie Bakers by clicking the image below to find fun activities  to enjoy the best of the Girl Scout Cookie Program!

Behind Every Cookie is a Girl with Dreams
What are your hopes for your Girl Scout? Certainly, you want her to make good decisions, know how to manage money, and set and reach goals, like attending college.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps her succeed today and prepares her for future success. There’s a good reason the Cookie Program is a beloved family tradition. 

An EXCITING way for girls to get started AND turn in orders!Cookie Club is the completely safe way for all girls to send emails asking for cookie promises—family and friends promise to purchase Girl Scout Cookies.   With their parent’s supervision, girls will find that Cookie Club is an awesome learning tool for success! Cookie Club lets girls jump into the exciting world of today’s social media while protecting them from unwanted communications.
1.       Families sign up girls for the Cookie Club and create an account at
2.      Families will submit INITIAL COOKIE ORDERS to the Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) using this online tool, rather than the traditional paper order card. These orders automatically appear in eBudde for the TCM to verify and order during the initial order phase.
3.      Orders collected using Cookie Club after the initial order period will have to be submitted to the Troop Cookie Manager personally to be manually entered into eBudde.

What can a girl do . . .NOW? 
You have turned in your first order card and cookies are not here yet, so what to do? Keep selling! Use the Goal Getter order card to keep taking orders to reach your goal and earn the recognitions you have chosen! Set a goal and go for it!
We want to hear your goal—what you and your troop plan to do. Share your goal with us and post to our Facebook page. We want to celebrate with each of you!

Troop Cookie Booth Patch!
If a troop orders cookies for their first four Cookie Booths (280 boxes) with their initial order, each girl selling in the troop earns the Booth Sale Patch. Cookies must be ordered on the "BOOTH" line of eBudde on the INITIAL ORDER tab by January 20.

Please contact Ms. Watts if you are interested in participating in a Cookie Booth.
Earn your Goal Getter Patch!
Participating girls in Troops that achieve 135 cases or more will  earn the Goal Getter patch.  Set your goal today and earn this patch.

Girls Get Ready

to Earn Your 

2013 Rewards!


Greater Atlanta Council Girl Scouts Store

 Click Here to Shop at the Girl Scout Store