Monday, September 24, 2012

October 2012

2012-2013 Troop Meetings
September 10th
      October 8th & 22nd 
          November 12th & 26th
December 10th
     January 14th & 28th
       February 11th & 25th
  March 11th & 25th 
 April 22nd

May 13th-Last Meeting 

Please be reminded Girl Scouts will not meet during Conference Week or Fall/Winter/Spring breaks.  Girls must be picked up promptly at 3:45 or attend Learning Bridge (ASP).  Thanks.

*Troop Dues* 

Troop dues are $1.00 per month. Dues cover supplies, crafts, special snacks, fun patches, and badges.   Thank you for supporting our troop.

Nut and Magazine Fundraiser

Oct.8th  Girl orders due to Ms. Watts (No exceptions)

Nov. 3-6,-Chocolate and nut orders will be delivered. 

Nov. 26th –Fall Fundraiser money due to Ms. Watts

Girl Scouts Hair Bows
Have fun with your new Girl Scouts hair bow!  Each bow is $5.00.  Please make your check payable to Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta Troop 12377.  Bows will be distributed at the Monday, October 22nd troop meeting.  Please indicate color selection and number of bows.  Please contact the troop if you have any questions.  Thank you for supporting our troop.

Carlton Farm
When: Saturday, October 13th  
Where: Carlton Farms, 1276 Cartersville Hwy.
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
Cost: $12.00 per person (pay at the farm)
**Free Chick-fil-A boxed lunch and juice box provided for each Girl Scout! (Sandwich, chips, and cookie)
Join us for a fun-filled day at Carlton Farms!  Girl Scouts will enjoy a hayride, hay bale maze, the hay jump and journey through the Corn Maze ending with each girl receiving their own small pumpkin!
Girls will receive fun patches!

Upcoming Events

Carlton Farm-1:00-3:00pm-October13th

Girl Scouts Day at the Georgia Aquarium-Oct. 13th and 14th  
Hiram Elementary Fall Festival-Oct. 19th 5:00-8:00 pm
  Friday, October 19th 5:00pm
Girls who attend the Fall Festival will receive a fun patch.  Please see Ms. Watts at the fall festival to earn your fun patch!  Girl Scouts will sell yummy hot popcorn at the Fall Festival!  Please stop by and support our troop!  Girl Scouts will sell yummy popcorn!  Please stop by and purchase hot popcorn!

Attention Brownies!            
Brownies visit the Bartow History Museum on Saturday, October 20th.  Please return the permission letter ASAP to Ms. Watts .   See below for details.

Community Service Project

Paulding County Humane Society
Our troop is collecting canned dog and cat food to support the Paulding County Humane Society.  Girls can bring their animal food donations to our October 22nd troop meeting.  Thank you for supporting our troop. The troop will earn an “Animal Shelter” and “Community Service” fun patches.

        Girls are working on the following badges!
Daisies-Promise Center Petal and Honest/Fair Petal
2nd Grade Brownies-Dancer and Snack Badges
3rd Grade Brownies-Bugs and Hiker Badges
Juniors-Independence and Detective Badges

Uniforms, Badges and Fun Patches

Please be reminded only official “earned” badges go on the front of the vest/sash/tunic.  Fun patches are given to girls who attend and/or participate in fun activities (ice cream party, movie night, tea party, farm visit, etc.).  Fun patches are placed on the back of the vest/sash/tunic.  It is important to adhere to the Girl Scouts policy for placement of badges and fun patches for uniforms.  If you have any questions please contact the troop at or contact a troop leader.  Please visit the official Girl Scouts website for badge placement.

Please consider purchasing a uniform for your daughter.  Uniforms provide a place for girls to proudly display their earned badges, awards, and fun patches.  Please see the uniform flyer for prices.  Financial assistance is available for uniforms.  Please contact the troop for more information.


We need your email address for our troop email list.  This is the best and most effective way to communicate.  Please contact the troop to be added to the email list.

Special Snacks
We will celebrate Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday with a special cupcake snack on Monday, October 22nd.  The troop will sponsor cupcakes and juice boxes.  Please contact your child’s troop leader if you would like to bring a special snack.  Please be reminded we have girls who are allergic to peanuts and peanut based snacks.

         Happy Birthday Juliette Gordon Low  
Founder of Girl Scouts of the USA
Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts of the USA, was born Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon on October 31, 1860, in Savannah, GA. Juliette Gordon Low spent several years searching for something useful to do with her life. Her search ended in 1911, when she met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, and became interested in the new youth movement. On March 12, 1912, Juliette Low gathered 18 girls to register the first troop of American Girl Guides. The name of the organization was changed to Girl Scouts the following year. From the original 18 girls, Girl Scouting has grown to 3.7 million members.

That's the power of Girl Scouts Forever Green.
Making a Difference: Earn your Forever Green Patch* by completing a Forever Green Take Action Project. Join Girl Scouts all over the world, who are taking the Girl Scouts Forever Green Pledge. Anyone can join us, so ask your friends, families, classmates, and neighbors to sign up, too! Actions you take in your daily life throughout the year help protect the environment and conserve natural resources. You can make a difference!

Storytelling: My Family Story Badge
Discover the history of Northwest Georgia through games, stories and artifacts.  Brownies will create family trees and crests as they compare and contrast their history with those who came before them.
Program level/age: Girl Scout Brownies
Date: Oct. 20, 2012   Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: Bartow History Museum   Fee: $6 per girl; adults $4.00
Chick-fil-A box lunch provided for Girl Scouts.

Space is limited, girls must pre-register.  No dropoffs are permitted.
*Seating is limited and girls must pre-register.  Please return to Ms. Watts by October 8th.
*Parents must attend and chaperone their daughter.  Box lunches will be provided for girls who pre-register by the deadline.  Siblings are welcome to attend but will not participate in projects.

Jeweler Badge
Discover jewelry from other lands and make your own jewelry to wear! Use the Bartow History Museum’s collection of jewelry and learn about the history behind the beauty.  Join other Junior Girl Scouts in making different types of jewelry with a variety of textures and colors.  Find out about the symbolism of jewelry such as the wedding band or friendship bracelet.  This program is designed to help Juniors work toward their skill building badge in the “It’s Your Planet- Love It” journey. Bring a sack lunch.
Program level/age: Girl Scout Juniors
Date: Nov. 10, 2012   Time: 10 a.m. –2 p.m.
Location: Bartow History Museum   Fee: $ 12 per girl; adults $4.00

Six Flags has also offered two value-priced ticket levels for Girl Scout members who are registered for the 2012-2013 Girl Scout year and their guests.
    • Registered 2012-2013 Members, Girl and Adult: $22.20 
    • (includes processing fee and tax)
    • Family, Friends & Guests:  $34.92 (includes processing fee and tax)
  ** Six Flags Season Passes will not be valid during this event because the Six Flags Season will have ended.
For further assistance, please contact our Helpline by phone at 770-702-9411 or 1-800-771-4046 ext-9411  or by email at . ​Please also check our website for periodic updates on this event.